Lions International Awards
Lions’ International awards promote excellence in service, membership, and leadership. Dozens of awards are available, but the Awards and Recognition Committee highly recommends that above all, every club apply for and/or follow the guidelines for the Club Excellence Award. Even if all the criteria for the award are not completed, it truly serves as a guideline for club success. Click the award titles to find out more information. Download the PDF version of this page.
Club Excellence Award
As Lions and Leos continue to seek out opportunities to Learn, Lead and Grow, Lions International offers resources that support Lions and Leos in achieving their goals throughout their leadership journey. To qualify for the Club Excellence Award, clubs must meet specific requirements in four categories: Membership, Service, Leadership & Organizational Excellence, and marketing & Communication.
Due by: August 31, 2022
Send to: 2022-2023 D50 Hawaii Lions DG Mitch Tam (previous fiscal year DG) for signature and forward to [email protected]
Kindness Matters Service Award
This prestigious award is given annually to a handful of Lions and Leo clubs for performing an outstanding service project in one of our global cause areas, CA1 had 6 awards last year. Nominated at the club level, the Kindness Matters Service Award is a challenge for Lions and Leos to develop exceptionally innovative and creative service projects with the aim of leaving a positive impact in their communities. July 1: Nominations are open, October 24: Deadline for club service chairpersons and Leo club presidents to electronically send one nomination to the district global service team (D GST) coordinator, who will send one nomination to the District Governor for signature, October 31: Deadline for District Governor to electronically send one nomination to Lions International, January: Winners are selected by the Lions International Board of Directors Service Activities Committee; winning clubs notified, March: Winning clubs to receive their award from Lions International.
The Humanitarian Award
The Lions Humanitarian Award is awarded by the Lions International President to a person of “substantial humanitarian accomplishment.” Only Lions clubs’ members may nominate individuals for this award. Deadline for nominations is January 2: for review at the March/April Board of Directors meeting. The International Board of Directors will narrow the nominations to three during the March or April board meeting, and the International President will make the final decision on the award recipient. The winner will be announced online and in The Lion Magazine. The winner will be presented with the award at the International Convention
2022-2023 Presidential Awards
Lions International President Brian Sheehan’s Theme: “Together we Can”
July 1, 2022 – August 31, 2022, Fast Start Charter Challenge: Starting the year strong is critical to the success of your district. Here’s your chance to stand out & be recognized for chartering new clubs in your district.
July 1, 2022 – December 31, 2022, January 1, 2023 – June 30, 2023, Club Retention: Great service begins with healthy clubs. Opportunity to be recognized for keeping your club secure, strong & focused on service.
July 1, 2022 – May 31, 2023, Lion and Leo Collaboration: Inspire the leaders of tomorrow by serving with them today. Here’s your chance to be recognized for engaging & encouraging the next generation of Lions.
July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023, Excellent Zones: When we move forward together, excellence follows. Here’s your opportunity to be recognized for growing membership across your district.
May 1, 2023 – June 20, 2023, Strong Finish Charter Challenge: Finishing strong is essential to the success of every team. Here’s your opportunity to be recognized for pushing through to the finish line.
July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023, Jesse Robinson’s Membership Growth Cup: We honor our history by building a better future. Become forever memorialized for your exceptional contributions to strengthening our membership.
Awards: President’s Leadership Awards & Certificates of Appreciation
Your charitable gift to the Hawaii Lions Foundation helps support our service programs. To mail in your tax deductible donation, simply send a check to:
405 N. Kuakini St. #801
Honolulu, HI 96817

Executive Secretary:
Phone: (808) 755-9998
Email: [email protected]
405 N. Kuakini Street #801
Honolulu, HI 96817