Nearly 100 years ago, the Lions of Hawaii began its humanitarian services to those in need. Today, there are 53 Lions Clubs and 1360 Lions statewide who volunteer their time and talents to serve our communities.
The Hawaii Lions Foundation was chartered in 1961 as a non-profit, tax-exempt organization dedicated to advancing the mission of Lionism in Hawaii. In addition to supporting Lions in community service initiatives such as: vision and hearing screening for our keiki, eyeglass collections for international distribution, sponsoring Hawaii’s youth to attend the Diabetes Camp, and providing meals for those in need, the Foundation has operated the only Eye Bank in the state since 1984. The Lions Eye Bank of Hawaii provides ophthalmic tissue for sight-saving corneal transplants, helping to restore vision and improve lives throughout the community.
Community needs today are constantly changing and we Lions can always do more. The major fundraising activity of the Hawaii Lions Foundation is right around the corner.
Hawaii Lions Foundation 2nd Annual Golf Classic Fundraiser
Friday, June 20, 2025
At the beautiful Pearl at Kalauao
Please refer to the attached flyer and registration form for details. As always, 100% of the net proceeds from this event will be used to support our local communities. “WE SERVE” is the motto we Lions live by as we strive to serve those in need. We invite you to join us in service through your kind and generous support.
With sincere gratitude,
Robert Lee, Past International Director, Lions International (Honorary Chair)
Roberta Jenkins, President, Hawaii Lions Foundation (Tournament Chair)
Dr. Lori Inouye-Yamashita, District Governor, District 50 Hawaii Lions (Tournament Co-Chair)
Chris Kalopodes, Past District Governor, District 50 Hawaii Lions (Tournament Co-Chair)